Perception of Youth Towards Suicide


  • Janaki Dhami Bir Hospital Nursing Campus, Mahabaudha, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Saraswati Lohani Bir Hospital Nursing Campus, Mahabaudha, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Babita Shakya Bir Hospital Nursing Campus, Mahabaudha, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Hricha Neupane Bir Hospital Nursing Campus, Mahabaudha, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Bandana Thapa Bir Hospital Nursing Campus, Mahabaudha, Kathmandu, Nepal



Perception, Stigma, Suicide, Suicidal Behaviour and Youth


Introduction: Suicide is a serious public health problem. Every suicide is a tragedy that affects families, communities and entire countries and has long-lasting effects on the people left behind. Suicide occurs throughout the lifespan and was the fourth leading cause of death among 15-29 year-olds globally. This study aims to find out perception of youth towards suicide.

Methods: A descriptive study was conducted on students of Bachelor level in different college at Kathmandu, Nepal to find out the perception of youth towards suicide. Complete enumeration sampling technique was adopted and the sample size was 420. Semi-structured questionnaire and modified likert scale was used as the instrument for data collection. Data was analyzed using statistical methods and inferential statistics (SPSS, Version 16).

Results: Majority of the respondents (54.52%) were 17-30 years Most of the respondents (51.42%) were female. Majority of respondents (88.57%) were Hindu. Most of the respondents’ (60.23%) family income was between 20000 - 40000. Respondents reported having mental illness will do suicide that is 51.42%. 54.52% respondents have personally known someone who committed suicide. Out of them, 23.58% said that those people were relatives, 1.31% said that they were acquaintance, 55.02% said that they were immediate family members and the rest 25.32% said that they were close friends. 44.76% respondents said that they have personally known someone who attempted suicide. Out of them 25.76% respondents said that they were relative, 25.76% said that they were acquaintance, 22.69% said that they were immediate family members and the rest 23.46% said that they were close friends. 34.04% respondents perceived tragedy in love life as the cause of suicide. 33.33% said that mental illness is the cause. 54.76%% said economic cause leads to suicide. Similarly 36.66% said disputes with family members lead to suicide. 64.76% think low self esteem is the cause of suicide. 43.09% think disturbed childhood is the cause. 27.14% think incurable physical illness lead to suicide. 41.19% regarded cultural values as the cause of suicide. Only 40.00% said that lack of religiosity is the cause of suicide. Majority (75.65%) of respondents think that mass media has no effect on perception towards suicide. 55.23% also think that peer influence has no effect on perception towards suicide. 64.28% respondents agree that suicide is a social problem that deserves expenditure of resources. Among the 242 respondents 57.61% had less stigmatizing perception towards suicide. Among the 271 respondents 64.52% perceive that individual’s are able to control suicide. Gender of the respondents and stigma towards suicide are significantly associated with each other.

Conclusion: Study showed that stigma regarding suicide still persists. Tragedy in love life and mental illness were perceived as main causes of suicide. Significant association was seen between gender and stigma towards perception. More than half respondents perceived that individuals are able to control suicidal behavior. Gender of the respondents and stigma towards suicide are significantly associated with each other.






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